Kol Simcha Farm
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We offer grass-fed locker lamb – whole or half – cut, wrapped, and frozen to your specifications. A whole lamb weighs approximately 50 – 60 lbs. hanging weight (weight after the head, skin, feet, entrails, and organs are removed). Slaughter date is Nov. 3, 2008. Orders will be availabe for pick-up at Olympic Vineyard Christian Fellowship on Nov. 18.
A deposit of $50 for a whole lamb or $25 for a half will reserve your lamb. The deposit covers the processing fee, and is required before we take the lamb to the processor on Nov. 3. Please send your deposit to us at 3284 Happy Valley Rd. Sequim, WA, made out to Kol Simcha Farm.
Lambs available for 4-H/FFA in Spring.